Bungalow Colony People

Bungalow Colonies: Stories, History, Memories & Connections

Doug Loriz
  • Male
  • Vancouver, WA
  • United States

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Mike D commented on Doug Loriz's photo


"Doug the first time I saw this picture! I recognized all those faces. The summer of 75 was my second year there.It started off in the casino where we got our group assignments. Some of the kids were outside chanting we want Mike. Which actually felt…"
Feb 7, 2023
Mike D commented on Doug Loriz's photo

Sunny Croft 505272015_0000

"Well Gentleman! obviously my colony! Hillside was my favorite, Sunnycroft was second! Manny your correct there was one called Lebanon, there was also Carmel park, Paradise park , Colonial Villa. Actually those three are still there.  I took a…"
Feb 6, 2023
Doug Loriz commented on Doug Loriz's photo

Sunny Croft 505272015_0000

"Mike - I think you got it!  Pinegrove, that really rings a bell as the one on the corner of Bakertown and Seven Springs. Those are great memories you have of the softball games. That must have been a blast for the fathers. I remember that the…"
Feb 6, 2023
Doug Loriz commented on Doug Loriz's photo

Sunny Croft 605272015_0000

"Jay Kirschner (our age) had two brothers: Stephan who was a couple of years older, and a much older one who I don't recall ever seeing at Sunnycroft but I went on a rafting outing with him and Jay when we were about high school age."
Feb 6, 2023
Doug Loriz commented on Doug Loriz's photo


"I was surprised by a few of them, but keep in mind that I knew some of these friends until I went off to college. When Sunnycroft closed down most of my summer friends moved to Rosemarins. I attended day camp there and then became a CIT and Junior…"
Feb 6, 2023
Manny commented on Doug Loriz's photo


"I would have been 11 that summer - that would have been my last one there too.  Still can't believe you remembered all of those names!"
Feb 6, 2023
Manny commented on Doug Loriz's photo

Sunny Croft 605272015_0000

"Love this - I think it was taken pretty much right in front of our old bungalow down on the pool level!  Jeff and Evan I knew well + Evan and I grew up on the same block in Queens.   I remember the name Kirschner - do you remember if…"
Feb 6, 2023
Manny commented on Doug Loriz's photo

Sunny Croft 505272015_0000

"I remember we used to play sports against Evergreen from time to time, as well as Rosemarin, Blueberry Hill and I think one called Lebanon - I know there were others but I can't recall."
Feb 6, 2023
Manny commented on Doug Loriz's photo

Sunny Croft 305272015_0000

"Simone (and her brother Alan) I remember well, her family had the bungalow across from us on the pool row (we were in the last pair of bugalows on the pool level furthest from the pool).  Her grandma used to make boiled beef tongue, which of…"
Feb 6, 2023
Manny commented on Doug Loriz's photo


"No rush Doug - but it would be awesome if you think of it!"
Feb 6, 2023
Mike D commented on Doug Loriz's photo

Sunny Croft 505272015_0000

"It might have bin. Pinegrove then, there was definitely. A colony by that name also. The reason I remember some of the colony's names is! in the late sixties' early seventies, the adults would play softball on Sunday mornings after…"
Feb 3, 2023
Doug Loriz commented on Doug Loriz's photo


"Yes, Jeff and my brother, Mike."
Feb 3, 2023
Doug Loriz commented on Doug Loriz's photo


"I'll have to get it out of my garage attic again but I will try. I think I can put it over my large ironing board and get a good photo."
Feb 3, 2023
Doug Loriz commented on Doug Loriz's photo

Sunny Croft 505272015_0000

"Mike, my memory is a little fuzzy as well but I think there were two camps on the other side of the Bakertown. I thought Evergreen was almost directly across from Sunnycroft but there was definitely an abandoned one at the corner of Bakertown and…"
Feb 3, 2023
Doug Loriz commented on Doug Loriz's photo


"Manny, I think my first year was 1975, and I believe that was your last year, so this must be '76 or '77."
Feb 3, 2023
Doug Loriz commented on Doug Loriz's photo


"Manny - Yes, it was Gabe and Iman. I'm really surprised I can't recall their last name because Iman was the first friend I can recall making at Sunnycroft."
Feb 3, 2023

Profile Information

What (if any) Bungalow Colony did you attend and where was it located?
Sunnycroft, Highland Mills, NY
When were you born?
October 14, 1965
If you spent summers at one or more Bungalow Colonies, what years were you there?
1974-1978 (whatever year Sunnycroft closed)

Doug Loriz's Photos

Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 10:52am on April 30, 2012, Manny said…

Hello Dough and welcome to Bungalow Colony people.  Not much goes on here yet but the community is slowly growing.  Please contribute anything you think might be of interest.

You and I were at Sunnycroft at the same time for at least two years, and given when you were born, we must have spent some time together.   Do you have any photo's or video from back then?  If so, please put some up here to add to the collective memories.  



At 12:57pm on April 30, 2012, Doug Loriz said…

Hi Manny,

What a cool site!  Thanks for creating it.  It would be fun to stumble into some friends who I looked forward to seeing every summer.  I was one of the "outsiders" of Sunnycroft.  We lived about a mile away on a farm on Seven Springs Rd (Take Bakertown Rd to the end and make a left).  My brother (Mike), sister (Janet), and I attended the day camp there and had so much fun that we would ride our bikes there on weekends and nights.  I couldn't wait for the end of June and I hated seeing everyone pack up at the end of August.  Mo Spivak used to let us use the tennis court all year round (we bought a net).  I updated my profile to estimate 1974 as my first summer there although it might have been 75.  I will have to dig through my closet to find some mementos.  I know I still have some group photos and even a Sunnycroft t-shirt.  The only person I can recall that would be using Manny as a first name was Eman (don't remember his last name).  He was my first friend there.  He had a brother named Gabriel.  Here are some names I recall:  Jay & Stephen Kirschner, David & Jeff Walker, Neil Schriver, Evan Coopman, Stephanie & David Miller, Steven Zipkin, Ryan & Eric Sandburg, Sharon Schulman, Sharon Kaufman, David Marcus, Lynne Schwartz.....  There are so many more but I need to see photos before the names come back.  I will get some photos posted in the near future.  If anyone wants to see recent pictures of me and my family and what I've been up to, just visit our website.

Thanks for the welcome, and thanks again for the nice memories.


At 9:27am on July 7, 2012, Manny said…
Doug, thanks for all the memories and names, they certainly ring a few bells. Eric Samburg's brother Jeff is a member here so maybe he can help you reconnect :). I saw Evan Koopman and his brother Andrew and mom Esrelle not long ago, sadly at his dads shiva.

Thanks for putting up the recent photos - don't know if you've seen the thread with the history lesson on the property - I was reading it to my mom this morning (mom and Internet do not mix) and was excited to hear the history and that so many people were coming together through the site.

Hope your having a great summer!

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