Bungalow Colony People

Bungalow Colonies: Stories, History, Memories & Connections

Simone Gunzburg's Comments

Comment Wall (4 comments)

At 7:03pm on January 7, 2013, Manny said…

Hello Simone!

It's been a long long time.  I was in the bungalow next door to you, well across the grass from you, when we were at Sunnycroft.  I'm glad you found my little web community experiment - not much goes on here but I thought that if I created a repository, then I might be able to collect a bit of history and maybe create some connections for people who haven't been in touch in many many years.

Have you seen the video I posted?  I do believe there's a shot of you in there.  One day I'll manage to find some time to post up some more footage..... one day!

Anyway, I hope your well - please drop me a note and let me know what you're up to and what you remember from Sunnycroft.



At 7:21pm on January 7, 2013, Simone Gunzburg said…
Hi Manny I actually found your site by accident...I was on Google and I saw that Alan was here and I was mentioned in a comment so I went to look and here I am ...yes I saw the video and yes I do believe that was me with the fly swatter lol...what year was that vid taken? Or was it a montage of different years??? I did see my mom and my uncle...which was cool since he's long since passed...my parents however are still going strong ...Dad just turned 86 on Jan 1st :)
As for me I live in Michigan now I moved here 9 years ago...I have no kids ....Michele passed away 5 years ago due to illness ...
That video really brought back memories...I sent a link to my dad so he could see it too....do you by chance know who the man my mom was hugging at the pool? I don't remember ...I was very young and by the time we stopped going I was only 11 years old....so my memories are fuzzy....well thanks for accepting me into this community and I hope to see more photos and vids as time goes on...Simone
At 11:49am on January 15, 2013, Manny said…

Well, it's a happy accident then!  I'm glad you liked the video, lots of great memories there for sure. The video is a compilation of a number of years of super 8 film, but I'd say the majority of it is probably from '72 - '74 given how old I appear to be. I have a lot of other footage and nearly have a second video ready to go but since my wife and I had a son a year ago, there never seems to be any time for pet personal projects.  I'll try to get it uploaded soon though!

The man your mom is hugging by the pool is my dad!  He passed away roughly 6 years ago now due to a hospital mishap from a routine test.  My mom is going strong though and has battled her way through two different cancers in the last five years, amazing! We just celebrated her 85th birthday.  Is your uncles name Wolf btw?  Your mom is Astrid right?  Please say hello to your parents for me.  I also have very vivid memories of your grandmother - she used to cook boiled tongue and I remember loving it!  I'm so sorry to hear about Michele.

When you get a moment, if you haven't already, check out the only thread in the forums, there's some interesting history on Sunnycroft in there.  Cheers!  Manny

At 3:56pm on January 15, 2013, Simone Gunzburg said…
Hey Manny...so sorry to hear about your dad...dads name is wolf my uncles name was Morris ...mom and dad are are good ...they remember your parents well....Mazel tov on the birth of your son....1st child? My grandma was a trip she also made applesauce from the crab apples that grew there lol...anyway all is well here ill keep my eye out for the next installment lol

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